Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Beauty Advice From Leah

The other day, I was baby-sitting everyone while Mama and Daddy went out to eat. I let Leah brush and play with my hair. My hair was pretty tangly, and after a few yanks Leah told me, "You know, sometimes beauty hurts." Where did she hear that? I wondered. Then she said, "Mama told me that one time." She kept on brushing my hair, and trying to put a ponytail holder in it. She had more advice to tell. Very seriously, she said, "One hair can make a difference (pause) But I don't know what that means." She was SO funny!! Mama laughed so hard when I told her what Leah said. She said I needed to post it so we wouldn't forget. Leah is just too funny.


katelyn said...

I can't stop laughing at that! I had a lot of fun last night at Keepers! Do you have a picture of your cake? If so, you should post it! It was so cute!

Megan said...

I LOVE that!

Julie said...

That was so funny! We wouln't want to forget that!!!

Autumn said...

rofl. That is really funny!

I'm so excited that you learned to knit! Will you be posting pictures of projects?

Margaret or Martha said...

Dear Olivia, she is so funny. love, Martha

Katie said...

You probably looked like a super-star LOL